Have you ever been scrolling on Pinterest and think to yourself "hey that looks easy, I am going to give it a try!" Well I had that exact moment this week as I was looking for creative ways to dye Easter eggs with my toddler class.
When I saw post after post about people using shaving cream and Cool Whip to color Easter eggs I was sold. I already had shaving cream, eggs and food coloring on hand so I was good to go!

Now before we get too far into this, I want to admit that I think I did this WRONG and it is totally my fault for not reading other blog posts thoroughly... But I also think we might have had more FUN! So was it a win? You can decide at the end. 😉
Materials Needed:
- Shaving Cream (You can swap with Cool Whip for a taste safe activity)
- Trays or plastic bins (something easy to wipe down)
- Hard Boiled Eggs
- Shaving cream
- Food coloring
- Paper Towels
- Tub of water
- Tooth Picks
- Egg grabber
- Patience (A LOT OF PATIENCE)
Set Up:

I began by giving each child their own tray and squirting a small amount of shaving cream on the tray. Less is more here since it is going to get MESSY real quick!
I let the kids pick what colors of food coloring they wanted to add to the shaving cream. I was surprised that you actually need a lot of drops of food coloring.
The kids could mix the food coloring into the shaving cream using a tooth pick...BUT as you can see they quickly ditched the tooth pick and opted to use their fingers instead.

Once our shaving cream was beautifully marbled with different colors, I gave the kids a hard boiled egg.
Some kids chose to use the egg grabbers (lol is that what they are called? 😂) and some of the toddlers embraced the mess and used their hands to slather the eggs with the shaving cream/ food coloring mixture.

Now here is where I think I messed this up. Instead of letting the eggs sit and absorb the coloring, we dunked them in a tub of water to wash them off.

The eggs still held a little bit of color, and turned more pastel. Still beautiful, but definitely not what I was expecting after we added a ton of drops of food coloring!
But guess what? The kids were just as excited by the pastel color as they would have been if the eggs came out in vibrant colors!

I tried to experiment a little by trying to get the kids to wait and let the eggs sit, but by that point it was too late. They had way too much fun mixing up their shaving cream colors and washing off their eggs.

So while we may not have achieved our goal of making vibrant Easter eggs, I think these toddlers had more fun doing it their way.
I went into this activity knowing this would be a MESSY one. My hope was to entertain them with a fun sensory activity and maybe dye some Easter eggs.

Would I recommend others do this? That depends. If you have time to clean up or have kids who don't want to cover their entire body in shaving cream (yes my youngest toddler in the class did this and it was hilarious) then yes absolutely! If your goal is an easier way to dye Easter eggs than I would say pass on this one.
Want to see this activity in action? Check out this Tik Tok:
@preschoolpackets Replying to @haileygrim1989 ♬ Mother - Meghan Trainor
Fizzy Easter Eggs
Want those beautiful Vibrant Easter Eggs? This wasn't our only Easter Egg activity! We also used baking soda and vinegar to color our Easter Eggs and let me tell you they turned out BEAUTIFUL!
You can read all about it on this blog post:
How to Dye Easter Eggs with Toddlers: Fizzy Eggs
More Easter Fun
If you are looking for more Easter fun, on the blog I have shared these Easter activities:
Looking for more resources? My Easter Week-themed lesson plan has everything you need for five fun-filled days!
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